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Thursday, May 17, 2012

The possibility of a female president in SA

Would you support it because you think it’s a good platform for sealing the deal on equality that men have been battling to bring affront. Think about it, what would it be like, for a woman, who is seen as weak, not man enough, good for being at home raising kids, doing house chores, running to the shops to fill her pantry just so the one who reels in the big fish never goes without.

Do you support iot because you thin k it’s a worthy cause, we are there at the conception of life, nurturers by nature, leaders by instinct, good listeners because we think what is said good enough to be heard, after all we raised the boys who are now leaders, we made them understand the infinity of life and the world, they that are successful are backed up by hard working women.

I know we have potential when I look at Ms. Naledi Pandor, her razor sharp wisdom, to say intellect would water it down, the eloquence in her words, well put, the grace of Mama Nkosazana Zuma, who embodies the spirit of humility, the fierceness of our not so loved Madam Helen Zille who makes of point of being heard we hope it shall be for the right reasons in future. We know how to behave before the public, we know not to air our laundry where all can see, well organized, we run our homes and lead in the work place, wherever you are, LEAD, we are born leaders. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. I believe we have a valid, undeniable point, WE CAN lead, the combination of these women in one person exists if not we can collectively make it happen. YES WE CAN

Women are His Meal Tickets: Male Gold-diggers

Typical female gold-diggers are well-dressed and hangout at classy places trying to trap a wealthy man, they like hanging in Sandton, Melrose Arch & Rosebank; that’s where bo Juju hang out le bo Minister of Sports he hehehe I didn’t mention names. She knows she can’t even afford a sausage at Michelangelo Towers but you will find her there acting all busy on her Blackberry 8250. The typical male gold-digger is different and far more common. He is honest to a fault. He probably looks shabby; he eats terrible food; his job is terrible and he could get a better one, but he won't. His place looks like a dump or close. He spends a lot of time online, he’s the ish on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, BBM you name them he’s there. He is happy to take walks with you in the park or woods, or be driven around in YOUR car to any shops, and of course he is glad to sleep with you especially without a condom, that’s how irresponsible he is. Then he says he loves you, and you fall in love with him. It usually doesn't take long believe me it doesn’t take long, Im talking from experience.
A woman's love is a mighty thing and the male gold-digger knows it. They know we are suckers for “love”, hone muroho ra u wana ari cha fareya he he he *translation: After sex we loose our mind* A good woman stands by her man, and he has tested you and knows you are good: you keep your promises, are faithful, take his side when he's under attack, love his kids, forgive him for all the bull he puts you through. You pay his way when he runs short of money. After that he is not at all commitment-shy. You two move in together, hoping for the rosey relationship, believe me its not gonna happen. It is not going to happen; instead the day you move in is the beginning of the end.
Gold digger are so damn good in bed, believe me he will satisfy you in bed. He can go on and on and on, he knows uri a satisfies woman is a generous woman. The next morning he’ll start pouring his heart about not having 1 2 3 then you will pay his way; they are strategic. The minute you give in to his demands he’ll go quiet for a few days, he thinks of you ONLY when he needs your money. Open your eyes girls.
Gold diggers drop hints that they're having trouble paying their bills, sometimes they might even ask you directly for a "loan" to tide them over. They know that you don't want to see them get an eviction notice, or get their car repossessed, and you're a good person who's in a position to help. But there's a difference between a gold digger and someone who's just fallen on bad times. What you should be looking for is if, despite their situation, this person is making poor financial decisions. Do they buy a brand new car with luxury features when they're struggling to pay rent? Many gold diggers know better than to ask you to fund their more luxurious tastes, at least in the beginning; they'll tap into your desire to help them afford the things they need (food, shelter, transportation) so that they can spend their own money on the things they want, believe me they go drinking from Friday till Sunday knowing very well you will cover the losses.  Gold diggers feel that they deserve to be treated well, and that includes knowing that someone is willing to spend money on them.
A gold digger is a needy individual that will take up a lot of your money, time and energy.

Watch yourself. It feels good to help people, whether you just helped someone avoid becoming homeless, or you're helping an wannabe artist or entrepreneur launch his or her career, but you have to be careful that you don't fall into a pattern where your help become the norm, so much so that without your financial assistance, the relationship would crumble. If you're the kind of person who has trouble saying "no", or who is intensely sympathetic and compassionate, you're more likely to bump into a gold digger. You might also face the feeling that this is one of the most attractive or fascinating people you've ever dated, and you don't want to ruin your chances, but don't be fooled by a good looking exterior. It could cost you.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Amy Winehouse Autopsy Results

An autopsy was performed in London on the body of 27-year-old Amy Winehouse and the results of the cause of death were unable to be determined awaiting further toxicology tests with the results expected in two to four weeks.
Amy Winehouse was found dead at her home in Camden. It was reportedly a security guard that was hired to look after her who found her body lifeless in her bed. A friends says:
“When he went to wake her he found she wasn’t breathing. He called the emergency services straight away. He was very shocked. At this stage no one knows how she died. She died alone in bed.”
Winehouse reportedly bought a lot of drugs the night before her death, including ecstasy and heroin. Sources say Winehouse may have died after taking a “bad” ecstasy pill and then combining it with alcohol.

3 Fears That Keep ME Single

Tell me if this sounds familiar... You're hanging, out talking with some friends, when all of a sudden the conversation turns to a common topic—love and relationships. Each woman at the table starts talking about the situation she's in, and all the amazing things going on with the man in her life. At first, you enjoy the stories, and you're happy for your friends, but then it hits you... You're the only person there who isn't in a good relationship. You're alone… or that relationship you're in that isn't going anywhere?

Well—it doesn't cut it.
How did it get this way? Why isn't it working for you? Over the years, helping women with men and relationships, I've learned that when you're single and you don't want to be, 3 common fears often come up. These fears can actually work against you and can keep you single if they go unchecked. I'll tell you what those 3 fears are right now…

Fear #1: Fear of Being Single Forever Whether you'd like to admit it, if you're single and you've had a few not so great relationships in a row… then somewhere in the back of your mind you're holding on to the fear that you might NEVER find the right man and relationship. This is especially true if you're later in life than you thought you might be as a single person. Men can sense it when a woman is afraid to be on her own. It changes the way a man perceives you and, more importantly, the way a man FEELS around you. If you hold on to the fear that the right guy might never come along, it could very likely be that you'll accidentally push the right man away when he shows up.

Fear #2: Fear of Losing the Guy When men and woman first meet, both people usually share a genuine appreciation for the other person and stay on their best behavior. But have you ever had a guy start acting creepy early on, assuming too much about your relationship and getting controlling or possessive? Well, aside from men who are truly unstable, men who act this way are generally fearful themselves—of losing a woman. So they try all kinds of things to try and keep that woman, but actually just turns her off. The reality is that women who are afraid of losing a man, even if it's only been a few dates, do similar kinds of things. They act possessive or jealous or worry too much—all accidental ways women communicate their feelings and fears to a man in way that makes him get that "Yuck!" feeling inside. Once you start worrying about losing someone, you start acting differently around them. Men sense this, and it's a turn-off—especially if it's early on, and you're still just dating

Fear #3: Fear He'll Turn Out Like Your Ex This one doesn't take a lot of explaining. If you've come out a bad relationship, make sure you get enough time for your emotions to settle. That way, you're not tempted to see the new man you start dating with the filter of the old emotions and patterns that were going on with your ex. If you don't break that emotional tie to your past, and the fear you have associated with it, you'll get in your own way and carry your old problems into your new relationship

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sowetan front page causes social media stir

Sowetan front page causes social media stir - TimesLive

The Sowetan newspaper's Monday front page - which features a picture of two uniformed police officers caught on tape having sex - has been met with a strong reaction from the public.
It has also caused quite a stir on social networking site Twitter, with 'Sowetan' becoming a trending (most tweeted about) topic in South Africa.
Most users were outraged by the front page picture, with one user named @misstj21 tweeting: "Isn't there a law against publishing such images? Really pushing the envelope way too far."
User @LeraRules called the story "sooo appaling" and "disgusting", while @sunirugs tweeted: "But seriously,there are more tactful and meaningful ways 2report this!!"
@Lunathi_Wired tweeted: "Look it's totally acceptable for a man & woman to bang each other now & then, but to be humiliated like that.? It's straight Bull!!"
Another user named @Troy_Martens also questioned why Sowetan published the images, saying: "Wow Sowetan did u have to subject us to those nasty explicit pictures... What's the reasoning besides sensationalism?? #Sies!!"
@kelso_blackbird said the paper's publishers "do not have hearts".
Even media personalities weighed in on the issue, with Metro FM presenter Melanie Bala tweeting: "Holy cow!! The cover of the Sowetan paper today. Rude!!"
5FM presenter Anele Mdoda has been particularly vocal about the issue, blasting the paper for their choice of front page. She tweeted: "Infidelity was not against the law the last time I checked... I also would like the Sowetan to tell us what SIES about sex between two adults?"
To which a user named @masb_quik responded: "Nothing but not in uniform during office hours!"
Mdoda continued: "Are they being crucified because they happened to be married and having sex with other people... What I would like to see on the Sowetan front page is pictures of fathers who avoid supporting their kids, can you do that for me huh?"
Other users believed the paper had published the story on its front page to increase sales.
@Fentselite tweeted: "When Sowetan is NOT selling, we r not quick2advice it on how2sell, but when they do suddenly we hav opinions. Sowetan hav a mand8, let them!" , while @DiegoPhasha tweeted: "I've never in my life got to a store and found that #sowetan is sold out. 1st time today... #SApeoplelovepublicsex"
@G_Mandonga agreed, tweeting:"...sales went up at the end of the day!"
Some users on the Sowetan's website voiced their disapproval.
One user named Mellow wrote: "Sorry i dont understand why this trashy disgusting piece was published (sic)."
Another user named Somaartakeit wrote: "Sowetan but do you really have to be this vulgar to sell your paper? let us assume those 2 scum bags had sex on the job, how is this of national interest to justify you posting this piece of porn?"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

For better for worse

Don’t just marry anything (I mean anybody)!

Many young people are so particular about the clothes they wear, the food they eat, the career that they want to follow, etc, but they are so reckless when it comes to choosing a life partner.

Who you will marry will not only have a major impact in your marriage but will have a major impact in your happiness in this life. There is nothing that can bring so much distress, depression and unhappiness in someone’s life like marriage. Even if you decide to end the marriage (divorce) you might still end up with permanent wounds or scars in your life.

Marriage has many challenges; bringing together people from different backgrounds, different personalities and with different expectations is not easy. We are bound to have some conflicts and challenges in marriage. Even if you marry an angel (unfortunately angels don’t marry) you’ll still have some challenges, but if you marry the devil you must know that your physical address will be hell. There are many devils that are out there and some are in the church, they can preach, teach, sing and pray and then prey on innocent victims. As a results there are many who are living in hell (marriages). The Bible says to young people: Be sober, be vigilant!

Look beyond what is on the outside

There are some who decide to marry someone because he drives a nice car, yet I wonder if they think the marriage will be lived inside the car. Some marry guys because they are good soccer players, and I wonder if they think there is a need for pots and plates to be kicked around in the house. Some marry girls just because they have a pretty face, and I wonder if they think that just looking at the pretty face will automatically resolve conflicts and improve communications. Some only look at the beautiful figures not knowing that nature and time has a way of destroying those figures. In Proverbs 31:30, the wise man says: “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.”

 Work on your own project.

Even in our churches it seems like everybody is always looking forward to marrying the church’s celebrities, those who are smooth, well dressed and smart. Unfortunately many of them are not very serious with God. Yet in our churches they are some young people who are very serious with God, they might not be in the lime light, they might not even know how to dress properly, not as smooth as others. I call them projects. Instead of following the celebrities it is better to go and get your own project. For a person who is not serious with God there is not much you can do, even marriage cannot change that person. There is no salvation in marriage (it is only in Jesus). But if he /she loves the Lord, but just does not know latest style and romantic moves, there is much you can do. Pick that project and work on it in your own pace.

 Don’t be desperate.

Many of our young ladies are so desperate to get married such that they end up marrying anything that looks like a man. If you think being single is bad then you are ignorant of what is really going on in marriages. More than 50% of those who are married wish they were like you (single). There is definitely something worse than being single. I always say to young ladies that the most miserable women that I have come across are not single, but they are married, married to horrible men (or they themselves are horrible to those men). Many are so desperate to get married and soon thereafter they are so desperate to get out of marriage.

Be Mr or Mrs Right.

I grew up in the time when the topic for every youth gathering was, how to find a marriage partner. We used to leave those gatherings all set to go and look for a marriage partner, going to look for Mr Right and Mrs Right. Now, this thing never worked, it does not work because you can never find a marriage partner. In Proverbs 19: 14 the Bible says “Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers, But a prudent wife is from the LORD”.Only the Lord can give you a prudent (sensible) wife. Therefore instead of looking for Mr and Mrs Right, be Mr. Right, Be Mrs. Right (as long as you don’t think your first name is Always). Live the life, be the best young person you can ever be and God will give you what you deserve. But if you are a crook, dishonest, unfaithful and unreliable, guess what? There is a match waiting for you. You can’t cheat God; you are definitely going to reap what you have sown. You will always get what you deserve.

Some young people have already made a mess of their lives. The good news is that it is not too late. If you come to Jesus today, He will rewrite you past, change you present and prepare a great tomorrow for you.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Love Letter to my Lil Angel before birth

A Love Letter To Ryan

I write this letter to my unborn child from the depth of my soul. You've entered my womb and made my life complete and whole. I never thought I would be chosen for such an awesome task yet again. It is a greater blessing than what I ever could ask.I can almost imagine you in my mind fine-looking, gorgeous, blissful, active, flashing a smile like mine. It does wonders for the enjoyment of this soon-to-be-mother! You're my baby, my child, my heart, and my wonder. I pray we create a bond that no one can destroy, I pray you get along so fine with your big brother and be the best of friends.

I can hardly wait for you to enter the world and see the joy you bring. Sweet baby of mine, you're a outstanding gift from above. Living proof of how your father and I have shared our love. I hope you have your fathers' eyes (not too small though), I hope you take over my skills and brilliant mind (not bragging) with that you will be able to face all things in life as a strong man. I hope you receive from your father his looks (lol). I hope you learn from me how to love whole heartedly, to love people but most importantly to love God, hope you learn to depend on Him and to be led by the Holy Spirit. Have my big heart; know what emotions are and how to be real. Share your fathers' strength so you can handle what you feel.

I'm emotional so I tell you its okay to cry once in a while like your Mommy but learn to develop what your father has; an excellent sense of calm but most of all the things I wish for your father and I to teach you to love, respect, and to care.

These are my feelings, wishes and hopes for you. I welcome you to the world and thank you for the joy my little king.

Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size, But when I start to tell them, They think I'm telling lies. I say, It's in the reach of my arms The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.
I walk into a room Just as cool as you please, And to a man, The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees. Then they swarm around me, A hive of honey bees.
I say, It's the fire in my eyes, And the flash of my teeth, The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.

Men themselves have wondered What they see in me. They try so much But they can't touch My inner mystery. When I try to show them They say they still can't see.
I say, It's in the arch of my back, The sun of my smile, The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.

Now you understand Just why my head's not bowed. I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing It ought to make you proud.
I say, It's in the click of my heels, The bend of my hair, the palm of my hand,
The need of my care, 'Cause I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman,
That's me. Maya Angelou!!!

Dear Uyafhindula & Ryan-Ompha

Dear Uyafhindula & Ryan-Ompha
Happiness does not begin 2 describe my joy, I am happy because u r all I have ever wanted, I have waited my whole life for u guys, my life finally seems worthwhile, Love does not come close to how I feel for you, I will never leave your side, I will always stand up for you. All that you want or ever desire,I will do my best to get for you. No one will ever take your place in my life,no one could ever be more important than you. I love you so much it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know what I did to deserve you guys! Mercy MercyMercy Mercy Mercy The Lord's mercy

Love u lil man

My lil Angel

Life Life Life

Life isn't about keeping score. It's not about how many people call you and it's not about who you've dated, are dating, or haven't dated at all. It isn't about who you've kissed, what sport you play, or which guy or girl likes you.

It's not about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin or where you live or go to school. In fact, it's not about grades, money, clothes, or colleges that accept you or not. Life isn't about if you have lots of friends, or if you are alone, and it's not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. Life just isn't about that.

But life is about who you love and who you hurt. It's about how you feel about yourself. It's about trust, happiness, and compassion. Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance, and building confidence. It's about what you say and what you mean. It's about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. Most of all, it is about choosing to use your life to touch someone else's in a way that could never have been achieved otherwise. These choices are what life's about

Breast Ironing in Cameroon

Every morning before school, nine-year-old Terisia Techu would undergo a painful procedure. Her mother would take a burning hot pestle straight out of a fire and use it to press her breasts.
With tears in her eyes as she recalls what it was like, Terisia tells CNN that one day the pestle was so hot, it burned her, leaving a mark. Now 18, she is still traumatized.

Her mother, Grace, denies the incident. But she proudly demonstrates the method she used on her daughter for several weeks, saying the goal was to make her less desirable to boys -- and stave off pregnancy.

A study found that one in four girls in Cameroon have been affected by the practice. Click HERE to watch

The U.S. State Department, in its 2010 human rights report on Cameroon, cited news reports and said breast ironing "victimized numerous girls in the country" and in some cases "resulted in burns, deformities, and psychological problems."

There are more than 200 ethnic groups in Cameroon with different norms and customs. Breast ironing is practiced by all of them.

Some mothers use hot stones or coconut shells to flatten their daughters' breasts.

Doctors believe improved diets have resulted in young Cameroonian girls going through puberty early. Many of them are also becoming pregnant early.

Terisia became pregnant at 15. Her child died at birth.

She told CNN that breast ironing doesn't work. She hates the practice and wishes her mother had instead talked to her about sex and preventing pregnancy.

Grace Techu argues that if it weren't for the breast ironing, Terisia would have become pregnant at an even younger age.

Techu has four daughters, and she used the procedure on the first two. The third avoided it because her breasts are growing at an acceptable rate, Techu says, and the fourth girl is still too young.

Mothers who want their children to finish school before becoming parents have resorted to this drastic measure, and many see nothing wrong with it.

In 2006, a German nongovernmental organization exposed the practice, which at the time was done mainly in secret.

Now, charities have embarked on campaigns to educate mothers in Cameroon that sex education -- not breast ironing -- is the solution to ending teenage pregnancy.

Dr Sinou Tchana, a gynecologist in Cameroon, has seen breast glands that were destroyed. She also saw one case of cancer, though she says it couldn't be established whether the ironing caused or only exacerbated the cancer.

"One mother came with secondary burns because the stone she was using to do this breast ironing burned her," Tchana says.

One of Tchana's patients is a 23-year-old whose scars are still painful 14 years after her breasts were ironed. She has joined the effort to confront mothers about the effects of their actions.

The challenge for all those trying to stop the practice is reaching parents like Techu in villages before a ritual that they say is motivated by love shatters more lives

Monday, August 1, 2011

Driven by a dream I cant control

I do not know you well, but what I know
Enchants me, like a song sung far away.
I cannot hear the words, but what they say
Hangs softly on the hills where I must go.

I see you furtively and note your eyes,
Hazel and dreamy, your spirit half elsewhere;
I note the sheen of your dark, lustrous hair
And wish I knew your thoughts and shared your cries.

This love brings me sweet pain, but I want more,
Driven by a dream I can't control.
I want the truth of you, untamed and whole;
In frantic hope I haunt your open door.
By Nicholas Gordon

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lady Gaga going Bald

Lady Gaga’s extreme hairstyles has taken a toll on her hair and she is starting to go bald, according to Contact Music. Lady Gaga changes her hair color often and all these dyes are starting to make her hair fall out. She has started using the anti-baldness drug, “Rogaine,” to stop any more hair from falling out and hopefully promote new hair growth.

It was during Lady Gaga’s “Monster Ball” tour that she first started to worry about the large amount of hair she was losing. At one point she went ballistic backstage as she went to comb her hair and her hair fell out and flew everywhere. In a recent interview, the pop diva explained that she cut her hair, calling it a “chemical haircut,” because “my blonde hair is falling out.” This is how she'll look if she loses all her hair. Iyoooooo #nuffsaid

Good Fathers Vs Bad deadbeat Fathers

Granted, there are good men who pay above and beyond their required child support. They’ll go so far as to pay for accommodation and holiday expenses as well, all in a bid to make their child’s life more comfortable. They are the men who don’t use the excuse of the relationship not working out. They don’t blame it all on the woman and they know the child comes first. For those who can afford it, this is admirable and we need more of such fathers – we also take our hats off to those fathers who don’t have much but still do whatever they can to support their kids.

Sadly though, there are way too many deadbeat dads who run from their responsibilities, after spreading their seed like some sort of agricultural seed drill, then conveniently forget that they even have kids. This is such a regular phenomenon in South Africa, and the world, that mothers have taken to social websites and started organisations to share their frustrations and find ways to get these men to at least take care of their children financially. Check out www.crappydads.com, or the facebook page “Men not paying their child support.”

Now, we know that often these stories are complicated and that there are many sides to what’s going on. Women, too, should take their share of the blame and keep in mind that this world is not a free-for-all and we can’t just keep on bringing new people into it without knowing how we, or the man we’ve opened our legs for, is going to look after these screaming mouths.

We women need to show more discernment when choosing our men, because any man can make a child, but it takes a real man to look after that child. Some men, out of what can only be misguided narcissistic personality disorders, want to have as many children as possible and will say whatever it takes to get you to keep their progeny, but when it comes to one of the world’s most important decisions, you need to go with your maternal instincts. You’ll know, deep down, if that guy is a deadbeat dad in the making.

Maybe the way his fake Rolex fell off after he subjected it to too much masturbation should have been a clue. Even men in the public eye can be pretty deadbeat. You will see in almost every Sunday’s paper that some celebrity owes “pap geld”. To name just a few who’ve drummed their deadbeat rhythm across our pages: Phil Masinga the ex Bafana Bafana player, Zola the musician and TV personality, Glen Lewis the Metro FM DJ, and artist manager and promoter Prosper Mkwaiwa.

Financially independent women end up not going to the maintenance court or claiming for child support because it’s just a hassle and they’re not guaranteed of getting any money from the fathers, or it just takes too long to get it all through the courts.

Every child deserves to have a present father in their lives, its just unfair that some fathers choose to ignore their responsibilities and look the other way. Its sad sad sad!! Hey, if you were never planning to be a dad to your kid, then pay up front for that fragile bit of anti-life insurance, condoms, or we’re going to wish your daddy wore one instead of fathering you!!!

Ass Squeezes in Hollywood

Clearly this Hollywood ass squeezing is working. It’s time for Mzansi to try it out. There must be something interesting when they squeeze that ass, judging by the men’s facial expressions.
Russel Brand squeezes Katy's ass
Brad squeezes Angelina's ass

Ladies, if your man squeezes your ass from time to time, please share with us how it feels. Gents, if you love squeezing your girlfriend’s ass, share with us on how it makes you feel. Maybe this is something that could save relationships out there